
CCO, Big Time Creative Shop

Head Judge – Concept/Copywriting

Rayyan Aoun, originally from Lebanon, rose to prominence in the MENA region after studying Graphic Design at the American University of Beirut. He began his creative journey in 2005 at J. Walter Thompson Dubai, and in 2015, he became the Executive Creative Director at Wunderman Thompson Riyadh, refining his creative prowess. In late 2023, he joined BigTime Creative Shop as the Chief Creative Officer to establish and lead the creative team. 

Throughout his career, Aoun identified unique opportunities within creative boundaries, particularly in Saudi Arabia, a market once seen as challenging. Campaign by campaign, Aoun significantly raised the creative bar at Wunderman Thompson, setting a new benchmark for creative work in the Kingdom. His numerous accolades have played a pivotal role in making Wunderman Thompson Riyadh the most celebrated agency in the kingodm for several years and placing Saudi Arabia on the global creative map. 

Shortly after launching operations at BigTime Creative Shop, he successfully built a stellar team, contributing to world-class creative and global campaigns, and transformed the agency into the most awarded in Riyadh and the third independent agency in the region. 

Aoun’s bold and pioneering efforts have earned recognition both internationally and regionally, with over 11 Grands Prix, 30 Golds, 55 Silvers, and 70 Bronzes. Notably, he clinched the first-ever Grand Prix for Saudi at the Dubai Lynx in 2015, followed by a historic Grand Prix at Effies MENA in 2021. His crowning achievement came in 2023, securing the prestigious Grand Prix at Cannes Lions 2023, the first for Saudi Arabia and the 5th ever in MENA. 

Aoun frequently shares his insights on innovation within the communications industry, addressing audiences at Saudi universities, businesses, and schools. He has also lent his expertise as a jury member for esteemed competitions such as the D&AD, Dubai Lynx, Loeries, NYF, Caples, Adfest, and the Andy Awards. 

Big Time Creative Shop

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